Symbolize Your Maps Based on Time
Temporal Symbology gives you tools to customize how time events are visually rendered to enhance communication value.
- The time window sets the interval of data to be rendered.
- Point symbols can be modified by color, symbol, and size, based on age of data and user preferences. Line and polygon symbols can be modified by color.
- Track lines can be drawn to connect observations belonging to the same object.
- Within a track, the current position of an object can be rendered using different symbology.

Define Rules
Actions allow you to define rules for processing incoming real-time and recorded data. You can set selection criteria, or filters, for which data will be stored and rendered. Actions can be triggered based on attribute and spatial criteria to:
- Filter data
- Temporarily hide data
- Highlight specific features
- Create custom selections

Replay Events at Various Speeds
With the Playback Manager toolbar, you can replay events at different speeds.
- View past data, tracking past movement up to the current position.
- Rewind, pause, fast-forward, or play data backward and forward at any user-defined speed.
- Loop, or cyclically repeat, playback data.
- Set the playback interval based on one or several data layers.
Add Charts and Graphs to Your Map
Charting gives you the option to view data in different graphic forms.
Visualize and analyze data using charts to supplement renderings. For instance, a temporal data clock allows you to visualize data in clock form to search for patterns.
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